Watch the biggest pots of the new Poker After Dark Games of our Lives episode

Action-packed Lineup 

The lineup of the new Poker After Dark episode “Games of our Lives” is full of action players and rich businessmen such as Bill Perkins, Jackie Wang, Matt Berkey and Bill Klein.

Farah Galfond, wife of online poker legend Phil Galfond, is a regular in the high stakes games at ARIA and made her TV and Poker After Dark debut yesterday.

Farah Galfond PokerFarah Galfond, wife of Phil Galfond, is a regular in the high stakes cash games at ARIA.

Blinds $200/$400, Minimum buy-in $100,000

Minimum buy-in was $100,000 with massive blinds of $200/$400, so it was clear from the start that we will see some massive pots.

Watch the biggest pots of Day 1 of Poker After Dark Game of our Lives below!

Watch the biggest pots here:

Jackie Wang vs Farah Galfond: $180,800 Pot

In a 3-bet multiway pot Jackie Wang turns trips and Farah Galfond has an overpair. Although the board is paired and the river brings a king Farah makes the call and is up to a tough start:

Farah Galfond vs Matt Berkey: $115,800 Pot

Matt Berkey puts Farah Galfond to the test on the river with a huge bet on a paired board:

 Just a Bitcoin?

When the river bet is just a Bitcoin 🙂

Bright and Wang win big, Klein and Galfond lose 6-figures

Day 1 of “Games of our Lives brough two big winners and to big losers. While Bob Bright and Jackie Wang booked 6-figure wins, Farah Galfond and Bill Klein lost more than a $100k.

Leaderboard PAD Game of our Lives

Can they recover and is Farah able to make a comeback? Watch tonight live at PokerGo!

Follow the action live tonight on PokerGO at 6 pm EST

is a 2-day event and you can watch the second day live on PokerGo starting tonight at 6 pm EST/12 am CET.

In addition to that, find all previous episodes of this Poker After Dark season as well as some classics featuring Tom “durrrr” Dwan in the PokerGO library by clicking “ON DEMAND”.

Please Note: In case you don’t have a PokerGo account yet, you can now save $10, which is more than 10% on your annual subscription, by using Bonus Code “vipgrinders”!

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams Poker News


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