Is Tom Dwan engaged and returning to Las Vegas?

The Manz in search for durrrr on Missing Tom Dwan 

Everybody in the poker world is wondering the last years where Tom “durrrr” Dwan is and what he has been up to?

The Manz Missing Tom Dwan

That’s why Pete Manzinelli better known on the internet as The Manz dedicated all his efforts and even a YouTube series to the search of Tom Dwan called “Missing Tom Dwan”.

Breaking News: Tom Dwan is engaged and might return to Vegas!

While the first episodes mainly consisted of interviews with other pros such us Doug Polk if they heard anything or know where Tom might be, he actually came up with some breaking news on the lastest episode.

Manzinelli was in Pittsburg to host the $200,000 King of the Hill III Heads-Up tournmant and one of the players was Brandon Adams.

Adams and Dwan are pretty good friends and know each other for a long time.

In the interview Adams is giving away not one but a couple of secrets mentioning that Tom might return to Vegas, that he is engaged now and there is even the talk of “Babies”.

Watch the full interview with Brandon Adams here:

Is the beautiful Blonde the bride?

After that people were speculating that the beautiful blonde Dwan was seen together with at a High Roller Event in Montenegro could be the lucky one. However, this has already been denied by other sources.

Tom Dwan engaged and returning to Vegas?

Anyway, we hope that at least the rumours of Dwan’s comeback to Vegas are true as his comeback on poker after dark is already legendary:

If he would be living in Las Vegas again chances are high that we will be seeing him regularly on Poker After Dark as it is a high stakes cash game format now.

Not only we, but the whole poker world wants to see more of Tom Dwan again as he always generates a lot of action and is definitely one of the most entertaining poker players to watch.

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Gossip Poker News


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