Betsson,Betsafe,Nordicbet Chase

Betsson,Betsafe,Nordicbet Chase

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Note: All BetssonBetsafe, and Nordicbet players participate automatically.


StartFebruary 1st, 2025
EndFebruary 28th, 2025
Prize PoolUp to €5,000
TypeRake Chase
Est. PayoutWithin 7 business days
Payout MethodDirectly into your Poker Account


  1. $1 rake/fee = 10 points
  2. Chase is worth up to 18% gross extra
  3. Stats and prize calculations are made based on your WC gross rake
  4. There is no opt-in necessary and you participate automatically


Loyalty PointsPrize


  1. This promotion starts on February 1st and runs until February 28th, 2025.
  2. We reserve the right to both cancel and adjust this promotion anytime and exclude players.
  3. Players shall be tracked to us to participate in this promotion.
  4. Prizes shall be credited to player accounts within 7 business days of the following month.
  5. General terms and conditions of all participating rooms apply, as well as our T&Cs as outlined here.
Leaderboard: 01.02.24 - 29.02.24
1david c111310.00
2radko krastev d69147.00
3daniel b60481.00
4Marcus T59294.00
5ALEJANDRO A57200.00
6Vicenc G50391.00
7Martin P47285.00
8Borja R44516.00
9Asier C38355.00
10Ka kwan l32475.00
11Lasse N30786.00
12Alvaro P30049.00
13Javier G28299.00
14Marco G26762.00
15Georgi V24153.00
16Francisco M23733.00
17alexander F23253.00
18ANGEL A21973.00
19Gonzalo R19994.00
20CRISTIAN A19539.00
21JONATHAN G19476.00
22joel v19005.00
23MIGUEL K18772.00
24Víctor Prior F17342.00
25Espen M16410.00
26Sérgio G15192.00
27Sergi P13010.00
28sasa p11967.00
29Jesse L11876.00
30andrea r11337.00
31Francisco M10953.00
32Aleix G10702.00
33Ståle B10435.00
34Julien C10270.00
35Per Ola A10143.00
36Antero A9983.00
37Luiz Gustavo P9846.00
38Caio F9788.00
39Rodrigo M8963.00
40Rafael R8057.00
41Ancor S7737.00
42Dréderson C7363.00
43Romulo O7331.00
44carlos c7287.00
45Diego C7231.00
46Felipe F7140.00
47Adrián L6801.00
48vitor d6686.00
49Ricardo N6540.00
50Luis Felipe M6501.00
51ADRIÀ C5629.00
52MIKI V5398.00
53Adrià A5269.00
54Luis Angel I5139.00
55Pedro Z4906.00
56Adrian Nabil C4545.00
57Mart H4400.00
58CELIO Vinicius C4253.00
59GABRIEL V4162.00
60Gustavo S3981.00
61Guilherme B3808.00
62João O3712.00
63Willian B3502.00
64Joao Diogo A3494.00
65Matti S3452.00
66Gustavo R3311.00
67Plinio H3299.00
68Nelio R3248.00
69SERGIO M3208.00
70Christian Andre V3197.00
71yutaka i3052.00
72Marlon V3015.00
73Duarte I2933.00
74Rui Alexandre I2921.00
75Pablo R2904.00
76Leonard G2878.00
77Paulo Alexandre P2867.00
78Tauan N2821.00
79Pedro G2812.00
80leandro s2810.00
81Mohamed Islem S2800.00
82RAMON A2787.00
83Michel H2700.00
84Joaquim C2696.00
85Guilherme M2637.00
86Felipe B2608.00
87léo toshio j2544.00
88Daniel Augusto L2536.00
89Josemar A2532.00
90Vitor H2520.00
91SANDRO F2490.00
92Anderson Renato M2457.00
93Carlos Henrique D2439.00
94Jose D2410.00
95Vinícius A2393.00
96Henrique P2375.00
97José C2348.00
98Antonio C2323.00
99Jefferson C2313.00
100Carlos B2313.00
101Corentin D2299.00
102Lucas R2294.00
103Marc S2250.00
104Felipe S2236.00
105Marcos d2232.00
106Demetria F2226.00
107Rodrigo V2151.00
108Guilherme M2054.00
109emerson b2052.00
110ROGER M2036.00
111David M2026.00
112Tore G2001.00
113Éderson S1980.00
114Eemi K1931.00
115Guilherme d1926.00
116paulo p1921.00
117Andrey R1920.00
118rafael a1863.00
119Vinicius C1834.00
120Alexis A1820.00
121rui s1692.00
122Rui S1686.00
123Adolfo L1663.00
124EMILIO B1656.00
125Charles U1656.00
126Cesar A1646.00
127Rodrigo P1633.00
128Leonardo B1625.00
129Afonso P1578.00
130matheus d1562.00
131Eduardo Andres A1553.00
132Johann X1551.00
133Rodrigo Goncalves P1520.00
134Eerik K1478.00
135Andre L1473.00
136Espen B1452.00
137Matheus A1423.00
138Joaquin O1421.00
139Frederico A1411.00
140Maximiliano S1403.00
141Caio Victor P1363.00
142savio c1361.00
143Clodomiro C1337.00
144Luiz Renato F1335.00
145Xander S1318.00
146alberto d1314.00
147DENIS D1307.00
148Lucas L1302.00
149Igor T1294.00
150cormac F1291.00
151Frederico F1290.00
152Felipe L1248.00
153Cicero S1235.00
154João Pedro V1205.00
155Simo V1192.00
156João Pedro P1186.00
157Guilherme P1181.00
158Bruno M1177.00
159Ramiro C1177.00
160Marcos B1176.00
161Anderson d1174.00
162Leandro N1173.00
163Bruno S1170.00
164Raquel R1160.00
165Durval N1143.00
166Hewerton José C1137.00
167Claudio A1136.00
168Keilane A1124.00
169Pedro Augusto B1114.00
170Pedro Henrique Sidio S1106.00
171valdelenir p1104.00
172Mireya Elizabeth V1079.00
173Rogerio Andre P1078.00
174Alex V1065.00
175GUSTAVO B1060.00
176rogerio T1042.00
177Diego S1039.00
178Élio A1018.00
179José O1018.00
180Leonardo I1012.00
181Victor O1006.00
182joao divino d999.00
183Janne P999.00
184Caio F976.00
185Bernardo B976.00
186Thiago E957.00
187Mario Alberto A956.00
188Francisco F946.00
189Fernando Augusto d941.00
190Rafael B928.00
191wendel p915.00
192RIZONILDO F910.00
193hans h888.00
194Øyvind G880.00
195Joao F873.00
196João S853.00
197ÉDIPO D845.00
198Agustin S830.00
199JON ANDER M815.00
200LEONARDO S803.00
201Mário Antônio C797.00
202LEONARDO B796.00
203Enrico G790.00
204Fernanda B774.00
205Kleber Eduardo R759.00
206Jonathan N748.00
207Joao Pedro C745.00
208Tiago L738.00
209Leonard L734.00
210Eduardo de Jesus B734.00
211Diego T732.00
212Ricardo F723.00
213Markus S720.00
214vinicius s707.00
215Gabriel T697.00
216Victor Jose F687.00
217ANDERSON B676.00
218Bruno F670.00
219Marius T668.00
220Guilherme S650.00
221Ezequiel S650.00
222Rasmus E648.00
223João Luís R640.00
224leandro cesar d636.00
225Alexandre K627.00
226Bruno S623.00
227Bruno R614.00
228Renato M604.00
229Diego A603.00
230Mauricio D597.00
231hudson henrique p594.00
232Adam B594.00
233AUGUSTO P588.00
234GABRIEL R583.00
235Samuel C577.00
236Jonathan A568.00
237Alisson M557.00
238michael r546.00
239Anderson J541.00
240Duarte A540.00
241Ivo G532.00
242Filipe L527.00
243Guilherme L524.00
244GIULIANNO M522.00
246Guilherme d504.00
247João Vitor L489.00
248Ramiro C487.00
249Raphael Sochetti D487.00
250Thiago B480.00
251Allan N478.00
252Roy K469.00
253Nilberto R466.00
254Kelvin C465.00
255Renato L443.00
256Ricardo V442.00
257Cauê V431.00
258jan s431.00
259Vitor G427.00
260Rafael F426.00
261pedro s420.00
262Matheus V418.00
263Vinícius O415.00
264Francisco N410.00
265Luiz Augusto F408.00
266Flavio C404.00
267Rodrigo M392.00
268Gabriel J387.00
269Italo Rodrigues R374.00
270João Victor d361.00
271NILTON S360.00
272Diego Paolo Ferri D355.00
273Duarte Nuno R354.00
274Martin S353.00
275Luis Guilherme H352.00
276Neil O349.00
277Bruno P346.00
278Igor C345.00
279agnaldo d333.00
280Guilherme D332.00
281Renan D327.00
282Francisco Marcelo Edson D324.00
283Toms M305.00
284Niko H294.00
285Danilo L292.00
286Bruno Gustavo R287.00
287Lucas R284.00
288fabio m281.00
289LEVY C280.00
290Marco Antonio R280.00
291Olav G279.00
292LEONARDO S276.00
293Gustavo Henrique A270.00
294RODRIGO M265.00
295Tales B251.00
296Tiago d241.00
297Alex R239.00
298Wellington G233.00
299Ricardo P232.00
300PEDRO LUCAS D232.00
301Daniel J219.00
302Oscar V217.00
303Francisco G217.00
304Antonio D214.00
305Sergio M213.00
306Sebastian R211.00
307Vitor M209.00
308Alberto S204.00
309vitor c195.00
310Mikko M194.00
311Felipe R193.00
312Tiago P189.00
313Tiago A189.00
314Filipe R184.00
315Adrian H175.00
316Carlos F170.00
317Fabio J169.00
318thiago h167.00
319MAgalhaes J167.00
320Thiago H162.00
321Rafael Camargos S161.00
322paulo victor d160.00
323Bruno M159.00
324Krasimir A159.00
325Jeferson L157.00
326BRUNA M156.00
327Wendell Rogério A155.00
328Michel M154.00
329Daniel S146.00
330arnstein e144.00
331Bruno T139.00
332Rogerio S136.00
333deivisson a127.00
334Matheus Santos Vitor M125.00
335Eskil S124.00
336gabriel p123.00
337Hector M117.00
338Italo S114.00
339Timo K109.00
340daniel c107.00
341Giovanni C106.00
342Luis Felipe S99.00
343Pedro S98.00
344Jakob B94.00
345Niko S91.00
346Cesar A90.00
347Gustavo De Castro S90.00
348atle j89.00
349willian paterek l86.00
350Frederico F86.00
351EDUARDO F85.00
352David Rafael F83.00
353Claudio L77.00
354Philippe P72.00
355IGNACIO G70.00
356Ciro C68.00
357Richard O64.00
358Manoel N64.00
359Alexandre Souza D63.00
361Adam O59.00
362karl B59.00
363Peter G57.00
364hugo m57.00
365Lucas S56.00
366Rodrigo Pires de Mesquita D51.00
367Gabriel B49.00
368Willian B48.00
369Daniel d46.00
370Filipe P45.00
371Fabio L44.00
372Vanair S41.00
373FERNANDO M40.00
374Mary O38.00
375Knut-Arild J37.00
376Vladislav V37.00
377ANDRE D31.00
378Heliel E31.00
379Caio S31.00
380André O31.00
381Luis H30.00
382Yuri d30.00
383ENGAN K30.00
384Arthur Bernardes M29.00
385Jonathan F28.00
386Emil A27.00
387Luciano P26.00
388Bruno T24.00
389Lucas Geson S23.00
390FERNANDO f22.00
391David S21.00
392IÑIGO S20.00
393Diego M18.00
394Roger S18.00
395Andre P17.00
396Henrik J16.00
397Knut-Arild J15.00
398Jari J14.00
399Mikko L12.00
400Onur Y12.00
401Francisco P11.00
402Arturo R11.00
403Diego G11.00
404Bruno O10.00
405Roni S10.00
406Knut-Arild J10.00
407Joao Marcos C9.00
408Kauê G9.00
409alvaro c9.00
410cristian z9.00
411Jorge R9.00
412sondre henrik sæther T6.00
413Thábata M5.00
415Bruno G3.00
416Bård C3.00
417Luan D2.00
418raphael f2.00
419Larry M2.00
420omar r2.00
421Dmitrijs V2.00
422Prem Nath T2.00
423André V1.00
424Morten L1.00
425Pietro B1.00
426Anderson F1.00
427Jan Keil B1.00
428Natalya N1.00
429Bengt J1.00
431Fabricio d0.00
432Josué David T0.00
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