Partypoker launches $50 Sit & Go Hero Special Edition

What is Sit and Go Hero?

Sit & Go Hero is Partypoker’s action packed Spin & Go/Lottery Sit and Go format.

To be more exact, Sit and Go Hero are four-handed Spin & Go Bounty tournaments with a twist!

Partypoker launches  Sit & Go Hero Special Edition

It gives you the chance to win a fortune and up to 10,000 times you buy-in!

Until now Sit and Go Hero is available at six different buy-in levels: $1, $3, $5, $10, $20 and $100, but now Partypoker has added a Sit & Go Hero Special Edition with a buy-in of $50.


What is the $50 Sit and Go Hero Special Edition about?

The Sit and Go Hero Special Edition follows the same terms that apply on SNG Hero apply, with two significant differences:

  1. There is no Bounty, which means more money goes into the prize pool.
  2. Play is only 3-handed instead of 4-handed.

A lot of players have been asking for a $50 buy-in level as there was quite a big gap between the two biggest buy-in levels $20 and $100.

In the Sit and Go Hero Special Edition you have the unique chance to win up to $500,000 in only a couple of minutes!

0 Sit and Go Hero Special Edition Party PokerThis is where you can find the Sit and Go Hero Special Edition in the Partypoker Lobby.

Partypoker listens to the feedback of the players

In addition to that, players wished a Spin & Go without bounty as more money goes into the prize pool and you can win more.

Partypoker listened to the feedback and wishes of its players and gave them what they wanted. This is how it should be and how you achieve your customers to be satisfied.

Well done Partypoker!

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Promotions Poker News


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