Watch Jean-Robert Bellande lose $650,000 with 53s in the Punt of the Year!

The Punt of the Year!

The Triton NLH Cash Game is one of the biggest televised cash games in the world with blinds of $1,000/$2,000.

Watch Jean-Robert Bellande lose $650,000 with 53s in the Punt of the Year!


This year the lineup included several legends of the game such as Tom „durrrr“ Dwan, Bobby Baldwin, Rob Yong, Andrew Robl and Jean-Robert Bellande.

The latter was playing solid poker during a majority of the session and was up almost $150,000, before he suddenly went on monkey tilt producing the punt of the year 2019! Watch this insane hand as well as the full episode below!

Jean-Robert Bellande meets his nemesis

In the respective hand Yu Liang raised UTG to 6k and got two callers. Jean-Robert Bellande finds 53s in the small blind and out of position this should be an easy fold against a UTG raise, but he decides in favour of a squeeze to $32,000.

The action comes back to Yu Liang, who 4-bets to $76,000. It folds back to JRB, who wants to be a hero and 5-bet shoves $637,000 with 53s and gets snap-called!

No help from the board leaving his backer Andrew Robl behind not amused ?

To put insult to injury Jean-Robert Bellande shortly after loses the rest of his chips with Pocket Aces against Pocket Nines, when his nemesis Yu Liang flops a set.

Watch the Punt of the Year below:

Watch the full episode of the Triton Cash Game here:

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Professional Poker Journalist
An avid poker player, he dreams of one day playing the WSOP Main Event and has promised himself he will fold aces and kings if he gets them on the first hand to avoid front-page headlines.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams Poker News


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