Joey Ingram calls the Daniel Negreanu masterclass a lie on Twitter!

It seems that Joe Ingram is not a big fan of Daniel Negreanu’s poker MasterClass – or at least the ubiquitous ad for it. Ingram posted a number of negative tweets about the course which prompted Negreanu’s “biggest fan” to respond to him.

“You need to understand that everything you do at a poker table conveys information. You can’t be, like, all loosey-goosey, having a sandwich” – this is one of the only poker memes that really took off on the internet. You can find these words posted under any poker related content online.

They, of course, come from the ad for Daniel Negreanu’s MasterClass on poker. MasterClass is a highly popular online education service, offering lessons from such A-list celebrities as Natalie Portman or Steve Martin.

The commercial for Negreanu’s course has been everywhere, even playing before every video on Doug Polk’s channel. Given the adversarial relationship between him and Negreanu, that is a “piquant” ad placement.

Joe Ingram Doesn’t Approve

Seeing the same ad over and over again can be quite irritating. Joe Ingram seems to agree, since he tweeted out this, with all caps.

Criticizing Negreanu doesn’t sit well with some of his fans. So soon “Chicago Joey” heard from a passionate Negreanu fan defending the poker MasterClass.

The hefty lady even goes as far as calling it “the bargain of a lifetime”, and claiming that when she first saw it she thought “what a bargain!” and signed up to the class immediately.  She points out that for $90 you get 38 lessons from the man who, according to her, is “the world’s best poker player”.

The woman in the video is not what you’d expect a typical poker fan to be these days. She’s older, female, and speaks with a Southern American accent. However, she did catch Ingram’s attention as he retweeted her video and called her his “wife in another life”.

Calling Out Negreanu’s “Lie”

Ingram wasn’t done with the MasterClass video just yet. He posted a screenshot of an old Poker After Dark episode where “KidPoker” is sitting next to Gus Hansen – eating a sandwich. An eagle-eyed user on the poker subreddit has spotted the hypocritical act of Negreanu.

This compromising pic prompted Ingram to ask “Is the whole Masterclass a lie???”.

The Relationship Between Ingram and Negreanu

Evidently, Negreanu’s popularity isn’t where it used to be among poker fans, especially after his infamous comments defending PokerStars’ rake increases. For those words, he got heavily criticized and mocked by Ingram’s personal friend, Doug Polk. On Ingram’s podcast Polk even went as far as calling Negreanu “an embarrassment to the game” and “a little bitch”.

Ingram, however, was always more even-handed when it comes to KidPoker. He did say once that he feels Negreanu would do anything if he was given a large enough amount of money. Later, on an episode of his podcast, Full Contact, Negreanu claimed that he and Ingram had spoken about what Ingram said about him and there is no bad blood between the two of them. They follow each other on Twitter and often reply to each other’s posts.

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