Galfond Challenge – Phil cuts the deficit, Chance Kornuth still up $231,000

Phil Galfond up $58,000 over the last two days

Phil Galfond and Chance Kornuth played two sessions in the last two days. On Tuesday, Phil won $90,000 and last night Chance came out on top with a $32,000 win, increasing his overall lead to where Phil managed to cut the deficit down to $231,000. Watch the highlights of both sessions below. 

Phil Galfond and Chance Kornuth agreed to play 35.000 hands of $100/$200 PLO against each other.

Galfond Challenge - Phil cuts the deficit, Chance Kornuth still $231,000 up

Phil is giving Chance massive odds of 4 to 1 putting $1,000,000 in the side bet on the line against only $250,000 from Chance.

However, so far it doesn’t look great for Phil as he was down $289.000 before the start of Day 15.

Galfond won $90,000 on Tuesday

There is still a lot of time left for Galfond to cut the deficit, as only 7,400 hands were played after Day 13. And this is what Phil did on Day 14 winning a whopping $90,000, which equals 4.5 buy-ins cutting Chance’s lead down to only $199K.

Chance Kornuth won back $32,000 last night increasing his lead to $231,000

Chance Kornuth, who proves to be a tough opponent for Phil, then fought back last night and booked a $33,000 profit after an epic battle.

In total, Chance is now up $231,000 overall, but with only 8,500 of 35,000 hands played, it’s still way too early to jump to conclusions and it is still anybody’s game.

The couple now takes a break until Tuesday, November 2nd. Check back frequently at as we will keep you updated on the Galfond Challenge vs. Chance Kornuth.

Watch the Highlights of Galfond Challenge Day 15 here:

Watch the Highlights of Galfond Challenge Day 16 here:

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Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams Poker News


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