Donald Trump blocks Doyle Brunson on Twitter

As you may know, President Elect Donald Trump spends quite a lot of time on Twitter. Recently his account has been bulk blocking its followers.


He (or his staff), has been blocking all sorts of people, from small time accounts with a few followers all the way up to his biggest supporters.

Doyle Brunson, one of Trumps biggest supporters is also among those blocked accounts. If you are not familiar with Twitter, blocking a person is a virtual equivalent to pretending they are dead.

Doyle Brunson on Twitter

You don’t simply find 83 years old Twitter users and  there is even less active users anywhere near that age but, Doyle Brunson is certainly an exception.


The poker legend is one of the most active poker representatives on Twitter. He is not only active, he is good at it!

Brunson has been publicly supporting Trump during his presidential campaign. He agreed with most points Trump made, although, he did sometimes disagree with the President Elects views.

As you may expect, one of Trumps biggest supporters could not appreciate being blocked by the President Elect.

When Doyle Brunson found out he no longer has access to Trumps Twitter account he twitted the following:

Why is Donald Trump blocking his supporters?

The reason behind mass blockings of Trumps followers is not exactly known. Of course, there has been a lot of hate towards him online and offline, but why would he block his supporters?

Some might say the reason for blocking Brunson lies in Trumps take on online poker . It is well know that his Vice President-elect Mike Pence does not support online poker.

But, that argument might be a bit far fetched as Donald Trump created the U.S. Poker Championships back in 1996. In an ESPN interview he also compared poker to business.


Although no-one really knows what’s going on with the President Elects Twitter account, blocking Brunson is probably not a direct attack on the poker industry.

It is true that Trump is actively using Twitter to express his opinions, but its unlikely that he would be manually blocking random accounts.

Let us know what you think about Donald Trump blocking Doyle Brunson!

Filed Under: Poker Gossip Poker News


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