Watch the Biggest Pots of the New Poker After Dark Episode Leave it to Seiver

2 All-Ins in 6 HandsWhat a start!

The new Poker After Dark episode “Leave it to Seiver” started as we all hoped for: Fast and Furious.

In the first 6 hands we saw 2 All-Ins and calls, watch them and the biggest pots of the new Poker After Dark Episode below!

Ben Lamb vs Matt Berkey: $194,400 Pot

In the second hand of the night we already had an All-in and a call. After a straddle, Matt Berkey raised from the Button with #8h# #7h# to $3,000. Ben Lamb was in the big blind and 3-bet to $13,000 with #As# #4s# and Berkey called.

Both were 250 big blinds deep and Suited Aces are very strong hands, when you play deepstack poker as they can flop the nut flush draw and make both the nut flush and the straight.

The flop of #6d# #9s# #Ah# was an action one as it gave Lamb Top Pair and Berkey an open-ended straight draw.

Surprisingly, Ben checked his Top Pair, probably for some pot control, and the action is back on Matt, who elected to bet $14,000 to take the pot down straight away and end the hand right here.

The Biggest Pots of the New Poker After Dark Episode Leave it to Seiver

However, Lamb check-called and the Turn #4h# is the absolute action card as it makes him two pair and gives Berkey a flush draw to go along with his open-ender.

Ben then set the trap with a tricky check and Matt, who picked up a lot of equity, put him All-In for a little bit over pot, Ben snap-called.

There were $194,400 in the pot and they decided to Run It Twice. As we want to keep some excitement and don’t want to spoiler you can watch the outcome of the hand here:

Garrett Adelstein vs Scott Seiver: $176,600 Pot

Only a couple of hands later newcomer Garrett Adelstein and host Scott Seiver clashed in another huge pot.

The straddle to $800 was on and Garrett makes it $3,000 to go with #Th# #9h# Scott looked down to #Ad# #Qc#  a very nice hand in the straddle, and pumped it up to $11,000, Adelstein called.

On #Jh# #Kd# #Qh# Garrett flops the World as he not only flopped a straight, but also an open-ended straight flush draw.

With 87% equity Adelstein decided to lead right out for $15,000 into $22,800 and Seiver calls with middle pair and a gutshot to the nut straight. Potsize: $52.800

The Biggest Pots of the New Poker After Dark Episode Leave it to Seiver

The Turn #Tc# brings the gutshot for Seiver, who now has the nuts. Adelstein didn’t like that card and checked correctly. Scott went for a rather small bed of $20,000, leaving himself only 42K behind.

It’s worth noting that, although Seiver has the absolute nuts, Adelstein still has 25% equity with his monster draw and for that price can’t fold. Potsize: $92,800

The Biggest Pots of the New Poker After Dark Episode Leave it to Seiver

The river #8h# was the absolute gin card for Garrett as he made a Straight Flush!

The Biggest Pots of the New Poker After Dark Episode Leave it to SeiverScott, who had less than half pot behind, went All-In and Garrett had an easy call. What a hand and what a start for Garett Adelstein at his Poker After Dark Debut!

Garrett Adelstein running hotter than the Sun

The ones of you, who are watching Live at the Bike, know that Garett Adelstein is a very tricky and strong cash game player, who fights relentlessly for every pot.

When such a dangerous player has a good run of cards it is hard to stop him and that’s what happened yesterday.

Garrett was playing well and running incredibly hot as you can see from the next two hands:

Garrett Adelstein vs Ben Lamb: $395,400 Pot

Garett won the two biggest pots of the night the first one here against Ben Lamb, when he turned Trips against Lamb’s Top Pair Top Kicker:

But Adelstein was not only running sizzling hot, he also played well and made the right decisions.

Below is a nice example, where Garett fires three times with absolute nothing, yes the good old Triple Barrel Bluff, and gets Scott Seiver to lay down Two Pair:

The Biggest Pots of the New Poker After Dark Episode Leave it to Seiver

The Biggest Pot of the Night: Garrett Adelstein vs Matt Berkey: $459,000 Pot

As there is a video from the biggest pot of the night, we decided not to spoiler anything and let you watch it yourself.

The only thing we say is get your winter jackets out!

Garett Adelstein wins more than $600,000 on Poker After Dark!

Needless to say, that Garrett was the big winner of the night booking a huge profit of $604,100!

Followed by the second newcomer Chris “Apotheosis92” Kruk, who won $60,100, while Matt Berkey got felted and left the table after losing $400,000.

Final standings after the first session:

Final Standings Poker After Dark Episode Leave it to Seiver Day 1

Follow the Action live on PokerGo tonight at 12 am CET!

As the stacks are very deep now and the newcomers are up a bunch, there is a lot of action guaranteed for the second Poker After Dark session tonight!

You can watch it live exclusively on PokerGo starting tonight at 6 pm EST/12 am CET!

Please Note: In case you don’t have a PokerGo account yet, you can now save $10, which is more than 10% on your annual subscription, by using Bonus Code “vipgrinders”!

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams Live Poker News Poker News


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