The biggest pots of last night’s session at Poker After Dark “Perks of the Trade”

Rick Salomon wins 1 Million Dollar Pot on Day 1

Back for Day 2 of Poker After Dark “Perks of the Trade” which is being show exclusively on PokerGo offering the best High Stakes action in town.

Perks of the Trade Poker After Dark

This exclusive three day feature show on PokerGo will run from Tuesday 17th October – Thursday 19th October and will be followed closely here at VIP Grinders with a player rotation throughout the days.

Day 1 has already consisted of multiple $500,000+ pots and one huge pot where Rick Saloman turned a straight vs Aaron Zang’s flopped top set:

Rick Salomon wins 1 Million Dollar Pot at Poker After Dark Perks of the Trade

The pot skied to just under ONE MILLION DOLLARS and they ran it twice and no paired board meant GG for Zang’s $450,000 in front of him.

The biggest pots of Poker After Dark Perks of the Trade Day 2

AK vs AA again?

In what was looking like a large multiway family pot all of a sudden got out of character. Everyone was in for $4,000 until it comes to Perkins who wakes up with AA.

He bumped it up to an extra $20,000 and Brandon Adams wakes up with AKcc. He shipped it in for $97,400 and Perkins snaps off.

Bill Perkins vs Brandon Adams Perks of the Trade

They agreed to run it twice and you have to feel for Adams here… Running into AA and getting two absolutely sweaty runouts!

First Run:

Huge flop for Adams needing a club or a king to improve. He goes from being an 11% underdog to at least 43% which is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeee.

Unfortunately for Adams, it’s brick city and he missed the first run on potentially the most favourable flop he could find with this hand.

Bill Perkins vs Brandon Adams Perks of the Trade

Second Run: 

Flops a good board for a chop so it can’t be that painful right?

Turns is a club, but the river snother brick. Adams decides not to reload and leaves the game making way for Matt Berkey.

Bill Perkins vs Brandon Adams Perks of the Trade

Hand of the Night – Bill Perkins vs Rick Salomon: $579,900 Pot

Rick Salomon and Bill Perkins locked horns as expected in this huge pot. Salomon made it $7,000 to go preflop with Qs-8c and Perkins called with 6s-5s.

The flop of Qh-7c-8c was a bit of something for everyone: Perkins flopped an open-ender and Salomon top two. Perkins lead for $7,000 and Saloman raised to $27,000 and Bill called immediately.

The turn brought the 4h making Perkins the straight. Bill check-jams after Saloman bets $60,000 on the turn for around $253,000 and Salomon called immediately.

There were $579,900 in the pot and they ran it twice for just under $300,000 a time and the first river card was a 7h meaning 1-0 to Bill Perkins. The second river is the 10c and Perkins scooped the biggest pot of the night.

Can’t win everyday Rick!

Watch the biggest hand of last night here:

Follow the action live tonight on PokerGO

The third and last session, which is also expected to be the biggest one, as stacks are massive now will be shown live on PokerGo starting tonight at 6 pm ET.

If you don’t have a PokerGo account yet, you can sign up through, you can now save $10, which is more than 10% on your annual subscription!

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams Live Poker News Poker News


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