The best YouTube Poker Channels 2017 – Must subscribe channels!

YouTube is the poker medium of the future

Two years ago there was relatively few good poker content on YouTube and poker players were watching Twitch to improve their game. This has changed now!

In the last 12 months YouTube has clearly established itself as the leading poker content platform.

Aim of this article is to showcase, which YouTube Poker Channels deliever the best content and which ones you should subscribe to.

Doug Polk Poker

Doug Polk is the undisputed King of YouTube Poker. Not only has he with 147.829 the most subscribers, his videos also get the most views and interactions.

Reason for that is a great mix of entertainment, poker strategy, industry news, coaching and innovative formats such as Polker news, where Doug is analyzing the hot topics of the poker world.

Andrew Neeme

Andrew Neeme has revolutionized Poker content on YouTube by filming his live poker sessions thoughout the casinos of Las Vegas and giving insight in the life of a true live grinder. Often copied – never reached!

Andrew’s videos having the highest approval percentage of all YouTube Poker channels. He reaches that through great editing, good hand analysis and his great personality. We therefore highly recommend his Vlog for live cash game players.

Raise Your Edge

What is Andrew Neeme for live cash games, is Raise Your Edge for online tournament strategy. The videos are produced by online crusher Bencb789, who is not only one of the best online players, but also for many the best poker coach in the world.

While the online courses are relatively expensive, you have the chance to watch top-notch poker coaching and strategy videos for free on their YouTube Poker channels. Definitely one of the most educational channels with top-notch content, must subscribe!


What would Poker on YouTube be without Joe Ingram’s Poker Life Podcast? Joe is among the pioneers when it comes to podcasts and has definitely helped to grow poker on YouTube.

Every week he has the hottest guests and does great interviews with them. In addition to that, Ingram is a big fan of the Great Game of Pot-Limit Omaha and delivers great PLO content plus he covers breaking poker news as well.

Honorable Mention:

Last but not least, we also ask you to kindly check out our YouTube Channel as we are putting a lot of time and effort into it. Every Monday we are publishing our poker news video format Grinders News Flash, which covers the hottest poker and industry topics.

But that is not all, as we are also having the sickest poker hands, great compilations, interviews and live streams. Make sure to check it out and don’t forget to subscribe to the above channels in order to be notified when they publish a new video.

Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Industry News Poker Live Streams Poker News


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