The Best Hands of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 14 – Big Swings at the Grand Finale

Watch the best hands of each High Stakes Poker Season 8 episode on

The season finale of High Stakes Poker Season 8 was very exciting and full of huge pots and big swings. Watch the best hands here!

Full Lineup of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 14

There were no changes regarding the lineup compared to High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 13 and we continue with the following players:

  • Tom Dwan
  • Phil Hellmuth
  • Bryn Kenney
  • Rick Salomon
  • Brandon Steven
  • James Bord
  • John Andress
  • Jake Daniels

Top Set vs. Overpair – Rick Salomon vs. Jake Daniels: $196,900 Pot

Bryn Kenney straddles to $1,600 and Brandon Steven with 6♦6♠ and Jake Daniels holding 9♦9♣ call.

When the action comes to Tom Dwan on the button, he squeezes to $9,000 with A10. Rick Salomon picks up 77♣ in the small blind and calls and so does Kenney in the straddle as well as Brandon and Jake. And just like that there is $46,600 in the pot.

5-way to a flop of 2♣4♥7♦, which is an absolute dream for Salomon, who flops top set. It checks around to Dwan on the button, who takes a $15,000 stab at the pot, but gets three callers with Rick, Bryn and Jake. Pot Size: $106,600

The board pairs on the 4♠ giving Rick Salomon top full house. He checks again, but this time everybody else checks behind. Pot Size: $106,600

The J♣ on the river is an overcard, but after it checked around on the turn, there is a very high probability that Rick’s hand is good and he goes for a $45,000 or 42% pot value bet. Bryn quickly folds, but Jake had flopped an overpair and underepped his hand. He can’t like the Jack, but ultimately decides to make the call.

Dwan mucks and Rick Salomon says his signature sentence “I got it” and shows him the full house to collect a nice $196,600 pot.

The Best Hands of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 14 – Big Swings at the Grand Finale

Brandon Steven 5-bet shoves pre to take down a huge $333,400 pot

The biggest pot of the last episode of High Stakes Poker Season 8 resulted from a preflop raising war.

John Andress straddled and Bryn Kenney re-straddled to $3,200 and Brandon Steven looks at A♦K♣  in UTG+1 and makes it $11,000 to go.  Rick Salomon makes a loose 3-bet from the small blind with A♠10♣ to $35,000 and John Andress finds JJ♦ in the straddle and 4-bets to $80,000! Pot Size: $130,400

Tricky spot and decision for Steven, since he has to give Andress, who played pretty tight, a big pair here such as JJ-AA or also AK. In addition to that, the 3-better still acts behind him and could also have a hand.

Brandon knows that it’s rather unlikely though that Andress has Aces, Kings or AK, since he is blocking those hands. This is probably the reason, why he makes a brave 5-bet to $214,000 setting John Andress All-In.

Salomon quickly folds and so does Andress and Brandon Steven picks up huge $333,400 pot without having to see a flop.

The Best Hands of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 14 – Big Swings at the Grand Finale

Middle pair plus flush draw vs. Top pair top kicker – Rick Salomon vs. Tom Dwan: $177,100 Pot

The last hand for this season was played by the two biggest winners Tom Dwan and Rick Salomon.

They had a lot of epic battles in Season 8 and this hand is one of of them. Jake Daniels opens to $2,100 from UTG+1 with Q♥10♣, Tom Dwan calls from middle position with J♥8♥, and Rick Salomon 3-bets to $14,000 holdind A♦K♣ right behind him. Everybody folds to Dwan, who makes the call. Pot Size: $32,100

Heads-up to the action flop of J4♥A♥, which gives Salomon top pair top kicker and Dwan a pair plus flush draw. On the flop this is a coinflip as both players have odds of exactly 50% to win the hand. Rick choses a rather large cbet sizing of $20,000 and Tom just calls. Pot Size: $72,100

On the 7♠ turn the odds shift in Salomon’s favour with 68% and he fires a second barrel of $25,000. “durrrr” check-calls again. Pot Size: $122,100

The 7♦ on the river doesn’t help Dwan and he checks for a third time. Rick goes for value with a $55,000 bet and after thinking for a few seconds Tom correctly releases his hand, while Salomon wins a $177,100 pot.

The Best Hands of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 14 – Big Swings at the Grand Finale

Tom Dwan is the biggest winner of High Stakes Poker Season 8

Although the final profit and loss results are not available yet, it is already clear that Tom Dwan is the biggest winner of High Stakes Poker Season 8. Dwan proved in remarkable fashion that he still got what it takes to beat the high stakes.

The Best Hands of High Stakes Poker Season 8 Episode 5 - Tom Dwan wins a $1,000,000 Pot!

In addition to that, Dwan also won the biggest pot of the season worth a staggering $985,000!

Watch the biggest pot of High Stakes Poker Season 8 here:

We will publish the complete and final results in a separate article as soon as they are available.

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Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
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