Allen Kessler Is Being Trolled on Twitter for Stealing a Soda

Allen Kessler really stole a soda!

Allen Kessler is being trolled mercilessly on Twitter for allegedly stealing a soda. The “Chainsaw”, as he is commonly known as, has a reputation for being tight-fisted and his friends love to poke fun at him.

Is the “Chainsaw” the Most Tight-Fisted Man in Poker?

The teasing started when Allen Kessler made a pedantic complaint to actor Hill Harper over his show How it Really Happened, by moaning that they rarely actually explain that.

Allen Kessler Is Being Trolled on Twitter for Stealing a Soda

Todd Brunson was waiting in the wings to tease the Chainsaw by asking if they’d aired the case of the missing sodas yet. We don’t know exactly what happened here, but we can accurately guess.

Allen Kessler’s reputation as a man who likes to spend as little as possible has spread far and wide.

Soda and coffee refills are free in many cases in the USA, but not all. The Chainsaw has likely been seen helping himself under the cover of others getting what they paid for and is now being teased over his stingy behaviour.

Reputations Can Be Hard to Shake

When Twitter asked if this was true, or an inside joke, Todd Brunson replied:

“No joke. He stole not one but two sodas. The big ones too. #SodaThief”


Allen Kessler Is Being Trolled on Twitter for Stealing a Soda

When Brunson posted the above picture, we hear more about the Chainsaw’s reputation.

One poster says if Brunson is going to pay $10,000 then he knows he can find him bumming a lift from one East coast casino to another or arguing about a poker tournament structure somewhere on the West Coast.

There’s no doubt about it that Allen “Chainsaw” Kessler is thought of as a bit stingy by his peers. He never wants to spend money on food and always tries to get a lift somewhere for free.

Free Food for The Chainsaw

One Twitter follower chimed in with:

“He has 3-4 million in cashes, is also apparently pretty well to do outside of poker, but hitches rides and steals soda. WTF is your deal @AllenKessler”

This poster also says how Kessler delights in inviting somebody to join him for lunch when he has a meal voucher, saying they only need to tip the waiter.

There is a story from a couple of years ago when Shaun Deeb was getting on Allen Kessler’s case over selling action at a markup. He posted:

We guess that old habits die hard!

We also want to add that this is all teasing and not a personal attack on Allen Kessler, who is highly thought of in the US live poker scene.

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Professional Poker Journalist
Mark Patrickson is a poker journalist with over ten years of experience. He writes for, sharing his deep knowledge of poker. He creates interesting content about poker strategy, trends, and news for poker fans worldwide.
Filed Under: Poker Gossip Poker News


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