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Watch the best videos from the 2019 US Poker Open

About the US Poker Open

The US Poker Open were founded in 2017 and are a series of high buy-in live tournaments. They feature all kinds of poker formats such as PLO, 8-Game and even new and upcoming variants such as Short Deck Poker.

The best poker players in the world like David Peters, Stephen Chidwick, Phil Hellmuth, Justin Bonomo, Rainer Kempe, Aussie Millions Champion Bryn Kenney or GPI Player of the Year 2018 Alex Foxen compete for the prestigious title of US Poker Open Champion.

Buy-ins at the 2019 US Poker Open range from $10,000 all the way up to $100,000 for the Championship event, which is also the absolute highlight. Watch the best videos of the US Open below:

Watch the best videos from the US Poker Open here:

Watch all events of the 2019 US Poker Open live at PokerGo!

PokerGo is showing every event of the US Poker Open live and in full-length. The broadcasts start every day at 5 pm EST/10 pm CET and feature live commentary and  analysis of poker pros Maria Ho and Jamie Kerstetter.

Please Note: In case you don’t have a PokerGo account yet, you can now save $10, which is more than 10% on your annual subscription, by using Bonus Code “vipgrinders”!

Professional Poker Journalist
An avid poker player, he dreams of one day playing the WSOP Main Event and has promised himself he will fold aces and kings if he gets them on the first hand to avoid front-page headlines.
Filed Under: Poker Live Streams Poker News


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